Clara Day Clara Day

High Lipase Content in Breast Milk

Breast milk has naturally occurring lipase, and some women’s milk has higher concentrations of it. This can cause your milk to have a funny taste/smell after it has been frozen and then thawed, and your baby may strongly prefer your fresh milk. So what is lipase, why does this happen, and what can we do about it?

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Clara Day Clara Day

How Does a Virtual Consultation Work?

We’ve entered a new era of healthcare with telehealth. It’s so interesting how quickly technology changes and how something that didn’t exist fifteen years ago becomes the new norm. Lactation is no exception!

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Clara Day Clara Day

Breastfeeding in the NICU

Having a baby in the NICU is a rollercoaster of emotions. There’s the joy of your baby being brought earth-side and finally meeting them, and the simultaneous heart break of having to leave your baby behind. I know the NICU is not on anyone’s bucket list of travel destinations, but we can help you to make this journey as smooth and fulfilling as possible.

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Clara Day Clara Day

Breastfeeding & Caffeine

I thought it would be fitting for our first blog post to be about caffeine consumption while breastfeeding! There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the topic of caffeine, so let’s break down a few of them.

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Clara Day Clara Day

Traditional vs Wearable Breast Pumps

There are so many different pumps available these days, which is amazing! Support and options for breast feeding and pumping has come so far. But having so many options can make it difficult to figure out what kind of pump best suits your specific needs, and to make a decision. Today, we’re going to compare different kinds of pumps to help you make a decision that will best fit you. Insurance typically only covers the cost of one pump, so let’s make it count!

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